Spiritual and mental
When I say that I mean, is it possible To be in a mental mode of fully functioning and living, spiritually with it?
I feel it’s hard to put the two fully together. it’s literally impossible for me.
I can be in a mental mode and fully functioning doing my job or my tasks and I get glimpses of spirituality or things through it, but it’s almost impossible to be fully spiritual with fully mental modes at the same time. My mental brain and my spiritual heart cannot funtion together. Its like they are in constant battle.
Is that the challenge?
Is the challenge to be able to live full mental and spiritual modes at the same time? or can that not even exist and that’s why balance is so important. To balance, mental physical and spiritual? Does that mean 1/3 of the time we should be mental, 1/3 of the time we should be physical, and a third of the time we should be spiritual?
It’s an interesting concept. I’m not sure. I grasp it fully myself yet.
I personally love spiritual mode!!! To just let go, not think, just be in the moment to feel, to cry, to be silly, to be passionate! It feels like that is what would inspire people. Can inspiration come from being in spiritual mode?
So how do we combine mental and spiritual modes?
Or can they be combined only if we slow down?
Is the hurry, rush, time is money culture killing our society? Our spirit? Our souls?
Its really something to ponder. Do i struggle with spiritual balance because i was groomed to value mental control?
Time is money.
Maybe the real challenge is to drop materialism and live for love, people, connection. Its hard to connect when you are in scarcity mode. Of course thats hard for a lot of people.
I left my job, and my husband and i had $100 a month after our bills. But it was that or i commit myself to the psyc ward. My husband said, lets make some changes. So we did it for 3 months but we started dipping into our savings. I knew we wouldnt make it a full year, so we had to move.
We probably could’ve made it where we were. But it felt like our hole of debt was too deep. We only had house debt. But $350,000 mortgage is no easy feat. And at $100 extra a month, we were only looking at further and further debt in this renovation house. We realized we could move back home, build a house, have famiky support and cut our mortgage by $200,000. On paper, this was a no brainer.
So we did it. Here we are 2 years later with $200,000 less mortgage debt. As our journey continues, i realize i was heavily groomed to live in mental mode for survival. Mental mode seems to coincide with scarcity mode. Ive lived in scsrcity mode most of my life. It has only been in the last few years that i have been able to say “ universe, you got this, i surrender,i know you will give us enough if we are living out light and love, and we are trying to do the Best we can.” This feels more trusting of the universe, more spiritual, but i like this. It seems to take off so much pressure that we put on ourselves.
It will all work out for the best
This is a phrase i said, but took a long time to truly believe in. Now, i feel that life happens for me, not to me and although i may be thrown some boulders in my path, theres always a way around them and that challege makes me a stronger person.
Just keep swimming — Dory from Disney’s Finding Nemo.